Schaefers FIRST Sleepover!!
So for Schaefers Birthday I thought it would be fun to see if Shad could sleep over. It actually worked out really well. They both had so much fun, and of course the girls had to be included so they had a blast as well.
I wasnt very good at taking pictures but, I did get a couple cute ones. We Started the adventure off with meeting the Petersens at the mall to get Shad, then they ended up coming over for a little bit and left Shad. They all played while I made dinner, we had Chicken Cordon Bleu. :)
Then we had family home evening, and I wish I would have taken a picture of the lesson but I made a little Monster out of a tissue box and told them something about having to do scarry things and then they stuck their hand in the mouth to see what was inside, Of course it was candy. But Shad was not going to stick his hand in there if his life depended on it. Melynn finally pulled out his candy for him and then he was having fun. We then went out to play baseball. They all had a blast hitting and running.
We also rented Astro Boy so we went in made popcorn and watched a movie. It got over around 10:30 and the girls went right to bed, but the boys didnt want to go so easily. So they laid in bed for a while and then around 11:30 Shad decided he was scared so they moved up to the guest bed. They fell asleep real quick after that.
The Next day I got up early to make a sign that I forgot to do the night before, but the boys woke up before I finished. It wasnt exactly a master piece like my mom could always do but Schaef liked it so I guess thats good enough.
All the kids had to hold up there favorite toy for the picture, except for Melynn who wasnt really sure what was going on.
This was the best part of the day. I was cleaning the kitchen after breakfast and told all the kids to go down and get dressed. All the sudden I see Shad come running, naked saying he has to go to the bathroom. So on his way down I got a shot of him high-tailin it.
They all got dressed and possed for this before we headed out to the mall and Target.

We headed out to Target so Schaefer could pick a toy and the whole time Shad kept saying, "My Mom wants me to have...." (whatever we happen to be looking at) It was so funny. But Schaefer settled on his toy and the other kids got a box of crackers.
We Headed over to the mall to play and waste time before lunch at Pirates Pizza.
They all had a fun time playing and making new friends.
Then we headed over to Pirates to meet Ian and Dinah Larson with her Kids Noah, Baylee and Carter.
I only got one picture of Shad because I forgot to take them, but I had to take a pic of Shad so I could show his mom that he ate his lunch. After they all played in the arcade and got a bunch of tickets and them picked a couple prizes. Then we headed to Shads house to drop him off.
Later that night when Ian came home he said he got tickets for the Bees Baseball Game so we headed up to Salt Lake for the game.
It was kids eat free night so the kids got hot dogs and drinks but that wasnt enough, they needed treats..sugar!!
But I wanted Ice cream, chocolate, but I sent Ian to get it and this is what I least it was Russels ice cream.
Schaefer was being a bit of a whiner, so i drew this little guy on his arm and put the ice cream bowl hat on him. Schaefer loved it.
They had such a fun time and Schaefer cant wait for the next birthday.