Monday, January 31, 2011


I wonder how many times I am going to think that over the next 20 years???
Schaefer lost his first tooth!  At age 5!  It fell out mid January.

I still can figure out how if came out so early, I didnt think they started falling out till about age 7.

But it came out and he put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy, who brought 3 quarters and 1 nickel (because she thought it was a quarter in the dark)  :)


  1. Isn't it sad?!?! My oldest lost his first one at 6 but my daughter lost her's at 5. I just really can't believe that their lives pass right before our eyes. It makes me realize why LDS say family comes first--it's because we have NO time for blinking because it's gone too dang fast. My oldest GETS BAPTIZED this year. Now that is CRAZY!!

  2. How fun! I love that the tooth fairy gave him a nickel! Maybe when the next one falls out he can put it with his tooth to exchange for a quarter! :) I can't believe that he is in school already! Just the other day he was playing with his bubble mower at your old apartment.

  3. Haha, I'm suprised he wasn't scared the whole night that the tooth fairy was evil like i did! I hated the tooth fairy! Ha, can't wait to see him with a tooth missing!

  4. I just read your throw up story at Kyle's swim meet. That reminded me of a story my mom always told me. Supposidly when I was little, she took me to a basketball game, and I threw up all over the bleachers. They had NOTHING to clean it up with. So she took off my shirt and mopped it up with that. You better believe she still stayed through the basketball game, with me shirtless. Luckily I was young enough, I don't remember. She told me that story all the time.
    So story was quite sad and entertaining to read. I would have been so dang stressed. That's a lot of puke.
