Monday, June 20, 2011

Schaefers Spring Soccer

Schaefer finally got interested in soccer this year, probably because we got him some cleats with flames on them.  He did really well this year, still hasnt gotten a goal but he is getting the point  and learning how to keep up.  Its funny how fast he can run, but when you put him in a game he just kind of jogs along not knowing what to expect. 

One game Heather and the kids came to watch, which Schaefer loved, he loves having some one new come to watch.

This game we brought a picnic and the so the kids had a blast eating while they where cheering on the the team.

Schaefer on a break away

During half time Schaefer and his friend Brycen started doing some exercises to get ready for the next half.  They did pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks and sprints.

Even Shad got in on some of the action.

I cant wait till he gets older so we can see what he will really be good at.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Heather went!! I wish we could be there to cheer him on too! He looks so cute in his little gettup!
