Sunday, November 15, 2009

Luna 2009

Luna is always a trip full of things to do. Everyday we did something new. Here is the journey to the Box, it always takes hours to get out there and there is a lot of climbing and water the trucks have to go though.
Every time we come to water the boys get out and find the best path to take the car though, most the time they have to form one with rocks but that, I think, is the part they like best.

This is the box. Ian decided to show Schaefer and Kadrynn how to build a dam.

Before we went down Scott found out about some caves that were not far away from the house so we piled in and headed out to find them, 3 hours later, we found them. They were really cool but the drive was really bad, it was one of those trips that you keep expecting to end and it doesnt.

Another activity during the week is going out to the Rogers Place, a piece of land the family owns, and shooting guns. There is also a stream that runs though it where the kids play.

THe girls just had fun watching and running.

ian and I took a shot with the guns, always a fun thing to do.

After a little convincing I got Schaef to try out a 22 and he loved it. he didnt hit anything but he thought he did and that made him happy.

Ian also decided to rebuild the horse shoe pits this year. So a lot of time was spent playing there. The guys also built a soccer goal and put up a volleyball net. It was a fun trip.

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