Friday, October 7, 2011

Summer Sports

This summer Schaefer did Soccer and Football which went on at the same time.  So some days he had to go to one and then right over to the other.

He got better and better as the season went on.  He started out running behind the pack never getting near the ball and he ended right up in the pack getting closer and even kicking it every now and then.

I spend the whole soccer season trying to get a picture of him kicking a ball or something and this is the only one I got. 

His coach was so funny, he would follow the kids around and hold on to them until the rigt moment then he would release them and send them to get the ball.  It worked... sometimes. 

Schaefer seemed to like football more than soccer and he caught onto it a lot faster.  His team was made up of first and second graders, and Schaefer was the shortest by a long shot!

At one point I told him to grab the flag and as soon as they hiked the ball he grabbed the flag of the first person he found, would have been a good play if that kid had the ball. 

Girls Soccer

The girls got to do soccer together.  It was so fun to watch them and see how differant they are.  kadrynn is really passive and doesnt want to have the spotlight where Melynn was all over the place and loved to talk to the coaches and show us how good she could do.

During the team picture I couldnt get kadrynn to go over and join the team so I took this one so we could remember when they did soccer together. 

Melynn is so short standing next to all these kids.

By the end of this particular day Melynn was tired and done playing and Kadrynn was finally going.  They did have fun though.

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